Winners of the 85th Academy Awards

Category Winner Description
Best Picture Argo American thriller film directed by Ben Affleck, based on the true story of the 1980 CIA rescue of six U.S. diplomats from Tehran, Iran during the Iran hostage crisis.
Best Director Ang Lee Taiwanese film director and screenwriter, known for his visually stunning and emotionally resonant films such as Life of Pi, which won him this award.
Best Actor Daniel Day-Lewis English actor known for his intense and immersive performances, won this award for his portrayal of Abraham Lincoln in the film Lincoln.
Best Actress Jennifer Lawrence American actress known for her versatile and naturalistic performances, won this award for her role as a young widow in the film Silver Linings Playbook.
Best Supporting Actor Christoph Waltz Austrian-German actor known for his collaborations with Quentin Tarantino, won this award for his role as a bounty hunter in the film Django Unchained.
Best Supporting Actress Anne Hathaway American actress known for her versatile and emotionally charged performances, won this award for her role as Fantine in the film Les Mis�rables.
Best Original Screenplay Quentin Tarantino American filmmaker and screenwriter known for his distinctive and often controversial style, won this award for his screenplay for the film Django Unchained.
Best Adapted Screenplay Chris Terrio American screenwriter known for his work on political dramas, won this award for his adaptation of the book Argo: How the CIA and Hollywood Pulled Off the Most Audacious Rescue in History.
Best Animated Feature Brave American computer-animated fantasy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and directed by Mark Andrews and Brenda Chapman.
Best Foreign Language Film Amour Austrian-French drama film written and directed by Michael Haneke, about an elderly couple facing the challenges of aging and illness.