


Azeri Yeni Iliniz Mubarek! General wishes: Yeni iliniz mubarak olsun! (pronounced: yeh-nee ee-leez moo-ba-rak ol-sun) - This is the most common and versatile way to say "Happy New Year" in Azeri. It literally translates to "May your New Year be blessed!" Xoşbəxt yeni il! (pronounced: kho-shbekt yeh-nee ee-lee) - This is a more casual way to say "Happy New Year!" and translates to "Happy New Year!". Yeni ildə çox xeyirlik və xoşbəxtlik istəyirəm! (pronounced: yeh-nee ee-lee-de chok hey-ir-lik ve kho-shbekt-lik is-te-yi-rem) - This wishes the person a New Year filled with good luck and happiness. It translates to "I wish you much good luck and happiness in the New Year!" More specific wishes: Səhhətlik, uzun ömür və xoşbəxtlik istəyirəm! (pronounced: seh-het-lik, oo-zoon om-ur ve kho-shbekt-lik is-te-yi-rem) - This wishes the person health, long life, and happiness. It translates to "I wish you health, long life, and happiness!" Yeni ildə bütün arzularınız gerçəkləşsin! (pronounced: yeh-nee ee-lee-de bu-toon ar-zu-la-reez ger-chek-les-sin) - This wishes the person's wishes to come true in the New Year. It translates to "May all your wishes come true in the New Year!" Yeni ildə ətrafınız sevgi ilə dolsun! (pronounced: yeh-nee ee-lee-de et-ra-fınız sev-gi i-le dol-sun) - This wishes for the person's surroundings to be filled with love in the New Year. It translates to "May your surroundings be filled with love in the New Year!"

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